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FAMAGA always strives to provide the best prices and timings of supplies for its customers. We sell only original equipment and spare parts, although we are not always the official distributor or manufacturer's dealer. All displayed trademarks and part numbers are the property of their respective owners.

FIPA is an international company working in the field of vacuum technology. Specializes in the development and marketing of quality products and innovative solutions for all aspects of material flow systems. Founded in 1985 under the name Fischer + Partner. Since 2002, a continuous expansion of the product range began, numerous new developments and improvements that have become innovations in their respective industries.

Since 2005, Mr. Rainer Mehrer has been the new CEO of the company, while at the same time FIPA is taking a new direction. In 2008, FIPA introduced a new product group "gripper assembly". The clearly defined profile of the company and the continuous orientation of FIPA GmbH towards customer requirements have ensured constant growth, technical progress and a qualitative improvement in the range of products and services.

Headquartered in Ismaning, Munich, FIPA GmbH is characterized by sustainable growth - primarily due to the quality of training and education of the company's employees. The firm employs an efficient team responsible for quality, productivity and innovation. Despite its wide product range and international orientation, FIPA GmbH is above all a company that responds flexibly and quickly to the market. The main formula for FIPA's success is: quality + individual solution + personal service = maximum impact.

The main directions of FIPA products. FIPA vacuum technologies. With over 20,000 varieties, FIPA offers the largest selection of suction cups. FIPA gripper systems. They include quick changeover systems, aluminum profiles, fixing and connector elements. Air tongs. FIPA offers a wide range of pneumatic manual and automated air nippers for the electronics industry and others.

FIPA products are used in the automotive industry; CD / DVD industry; production of plastics; food and beverage industry; machinery and automation; packaging production and other industries.

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